Mobile object tracking Using "
Phonetracker Location Center 4 Free" This software enables you to track one mobile object in real time. You only need a windows PC like a netbook and an internet connection.
HERE to Download Phonetracker Location Center For Free.

Incoming position reports will be shown on a map and stored in a history database. The position reports can be stored without limits and restored and filtered any time.
A collection of more then one position report can be shown as a track on the map. A graphic chart shows you the driving time and off-time by day.
The application "Location Center 4 Free" supports an export function into CSV file format to process the data furthermore or into KML format to show the track in Google Earth (TM).
As real time tracking device the software application Phonetracker Locator PC works running on windows PC like a netbook.
The application takes the NMEA data of a connected GPS receiver and send them in a 30 seconds interval to the Phonetracker server through the mobile internet connection. From this point the GPS position reports will be forwarded to the appendant Phonetracker Location Center 4 Free license.
Thank's for reading my article
How To Track A Mobile PhoneCreated at 2015-09-18 10:14:28
Gps Tracking
Mobile Tracker.
Tracking A Mobile Phone Using GPS

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